
Women 4 Christ Prayer Call



Join Savin’ it for Hubby Founder, Shannon Taylor (me :-)) and Women 4 Christ this Saturday morning at 7:00 am EST as we go before the Lord in prayer & praise ! Tune In to Be Blessed! You won’t want to miss this message!

Phone Number:1-712-775-7031

Access Code:552426822

Be blessed & encouraged!





What Does God’s Word Say About Sex?

purity-article-header-mirage-marriageHi! I’m so excited to begin this journey with you through God’s Word! Why am I so excited? I am excited because one of the greatest lies ever told will now be demolished! What’s this lie? The lie is that God has nothing to say about sex! Oh, He has lots to say! For all the questions and doubts you’ve had concerning sex, I challenge you to join in and find out the answers for yourself! This is about you and God, no one else! Take the time to really meditate on God’s Word and let Holy Spirit minister to your heart. Let truth replace all the lies that have been told to you and that you’ve told to yourself.

Over the next thirty-one days, pray for revelation, journal the entire scripture or parts that really hit home for you and meditate on the passages.  Let God’s truth set you free.  I’ll be following along as well and will, as Holy Spirit leads, post what revelation I get or have gotten from the scriptures as well as how they’ve helped me on my journey to purity and healing from my past hurts.  If you need accountability, follow Savin’ it for Hubby on Facebook and post any questions, concerns or any revelation that you’ve received.  You will not be on this journey alone. I look forward to hearing from you!

Below is the link to download the plan!

Be blessed & encouraged,


August SWP


One Word, One Verse!

Happy New Year!!!

So I guess everyone’s made their resolutions, or not, but the New Year screams new beginnings for so many.  The tendency is to make this long list of things that we listed last year and the year before that didn’t happen.  Well, this year, I’m not doing that to myself! A wonderful life-saving email appeared in my inbox and totally stunned me! Such a wonderful concept!

I have the bible app via and the email I received from them was to choose one verse to focus on this year. Seemed simple enough so I began to pray about it, but then I also saw this plan on there that was about focusing on one word for the year, even better! So I started the plan, which is only 4 days long, and was amazed at how my one verse and my one word seems to go hand in hand! God is awesome! For more information about this, click here.

SO my one word is Purpose and my one verse is 1 Timothy 4:16.  This is so freeing for me because, now instead of killing myself with all the things I need to change or accomplish, I can go through my own process of elimination and if whatever it is has nothing to do with my purpose or verse that was given to me by the Holy Spirit, then I waste no time or energy trying to pursue or change it.

Now, I know there  will be challenges along the way as the enemy will definitely try to knock me off course but I can always go back to my one word and one verse to get me back on track.

What do you think? Does this sound simple to you, freeing even?  Check it out for yourself.  Let me know what your one verse and one word is.  Maybe we can walk this out together this year and see if this approach is as good as it seems so far 🙂

Here’s to an amazing 2014!!

Be blessed & encouraged,



There Just Aren’t Any Good Men Out There!

*Disclaimer: this is not all men or all women, ok?*

Ok, so this is what I hear all the time and I know of a contributing factor as to why there are not as many good men out there…it’s because of us women! Yes, I said it and let me tell you why.

Men were created by God to be our protectors, provider and the priest of our home.  As women our role is to love and respect the man.  None of this is going on in this world.  Women are  taught, told and want to be independent, not in need of a man, so if you don’t need a man, what’s the point of trying to have one?  You’ve taken over his role! Why bother being with you if you have it all together?  If you’re independent then what is the man to do? He’s being forced out of his God-given role and now they have become lazy, have no focus, no ambition and no desire to provide, protect or be a priest!

Say you don’t want to be Ms. Independent you want a man, got to have a man, so you dress and do WHATEVER it takes to get him.  Well, first understand that you will get what you attract! You dress like a whore, you get treated like one. You become a play thing, a toy, amusement for when he’s bored.  Men are stimulated visually.  If all you want him to do is desire you sexually, then dress the part and that’s what you’ll get but if you want love and respect, then love and respect yourself! The mind and eyes are sex organs for men.  We as women have to remember that! We have a lot of power and God didn’t give it to us to misuse especially to use against His sons, our brothers in Christ.  Yes, they are our brothers! When dressing like a prostitute, you’re causing your brother to commit adultery with you in his mind.  Would you want someone to cause your biological brother to commit adultery? Then, not only this but in chasing a man down and going out to get him yourself, you take on the responsibility of being God.  God’s job is to bring you to your husband when the time is right, not you go out and find him and hunt him down!  Men have the innate desire to conquer his woman, when we take that from him, where does that leave him? Our aggressiveness takes away their masculinity.

If a man is married, LEAVE HIM ALONE! Nothing good will come out of it! Would you want someone coming after your husband?


Bottom line, ladies, know your place.  God has a beautiful design and purpose for men and women that works wonderfully if we’ll just stay in our lane.  Let a man be a man.  Let God be God. You don’t have to dress like a prostitute to get a good man or get attention or affection, that’s God’s job to fill those places.  You don’t have to go hunt a man down, God will take care of that for you. Don’t buy into the lie that being sexy and being a seductress demonstrates power and femininity, so not true.  This is the total opposite of God’s plan. Focus on the man in your life now, God, and if you don’t have Him, He’s waiting for you!

Be blessed & encouraged,





Real Love

Hi!!! My laptop is still in surgery, so I’ve been out of the loop! I miss it so much! Anyway, during my quiet time this morning, I was reading this devotional by Joyce Meyer, whom I love, and it’s about real love. REAL love comes from God because God IS love.  We can’t expect a man, whether we are married or not, to fulfill our every need, especially our need for love.  Men are human just like us and have limitations just like us, so jumping from man to man will only leave you as empty as when you started.  Love God first. Know His love and you will be fulfilled.  Receiving love from a man will only supplement God’s love, but it’s not meant to totally fulfill or complete us.  So, here’s what I read for my devotional this morning.  I hope it blesses you as much as it did me!

Real Love – the Energy of Life!

Love is the energy of life. It’s what motivates people to get up each day and keep going. It gives life purpose and meaning.

People often have times in their lives when they believe they are unloved or have no one to love. They develop this mindset because they are looking for fulfillment in ways that seem good at first but often leave them feeling frustrated, disappointed and empty inside.

Does this ever happen to you? Do you ever look for love and end up feeling unfulfilled? Let me ask you this: What kind of love are you pursuing?

You may be looking for love, but really, you’re looking for God, because He is love. Any love you gain that is disconnected from God is not really love and will leave you feeling unfulfilled.

The Bible says that in Him we live, move, and have our being. That tells me that without Him, life is not complete.

Everyone is looking for love, but are you looking for God’s love? It’s the only love that matters, the only love that lasts, and the only love that fulfills.

Prayer Starter: Lord, I don’t want to spend my life unfulfilled, pursuing love that’s not from You. If it’s not found in You, it’s not real love, because You are love. Today, I find my love in You. – Joyce Meyer

Be blessed & encouraged,
**Devotional courtesy of Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life – a Daily Devotional***

Why Not You?: Day 2

Good Evening!  I have to admit that I let my confidence in God’s ability slip today.  I got wrapped up in my abilities and my limitations that I just totally ignored the fact that I have an awesome God who’s more than capable of providing for me.

So, in case you didn’t know, my goal is to become a Certified Life Coach and I’ve been exploring different schools and programs and they are pretty pricey.  I’ve narrowed my list down to 3 choices.  I started comparing the schools and then I started focusing on the money that I don’t have to pay for the certification program and then my mind started reeling! I started thinking of ways that I could raise the money, sell cupcakes, pies, cookies, go work in a grocery store, maybe do a fish fry, anything! (LOL @ the fish fry!) So, after getting frustrated with myself I picked up Valorie’s Book, Why Not You? and started to read chapter 2 which is “Know that Authentic Confidence Attracts Success” and right off the bat I’m convicted of my stressing and trying to figure out something that God has already worked out! I know that this is what I’m called to do and I’m confident in this but for a fleeting moment, I started getting my panties in a bunch because I couldn’t figure out how I was going to make this happen!  So, I keep reading and here are a few things that I read that totally boosted me out of my funk that I was in and totally reminded me that by me walking in my God-given purpose that I can have confidence in knowing that God can orchestrate my life through His awesome favor!

*Authentic Confidence is about what God can do through me, in me, and for me. Immediately everything is taken off of me! All I have to do is trust God that if He brought me to this, surely He will make a way for me to get through this and succeed!

*Knowing that God is with me is my key to authentic confidence.  Authentic confidence is my complete trust that what I offer to this world is valuable, meaningful, and divinely unique! Do you feel this way about yourself?

*Authentic confidence=self-confidence+faith

*Two essentials of confidence are faith and trust in God-trust that He will make available to me the resources I need (BINGO!!!!) and my ability to communicate effectively! My calling as a spiritual life coach has already been taken care of by the ONE who called me to do so! So now why am I worrying?

If what you’re trying to accomplish is God’s will for your life, trust that He has already paved the way, we just have to follow HIM!!

Be blessed & encouraged,



Why Not You?: Day 1


I’m reading Valorie Burton’s book, “Why Not You: 28 Days to Authentic Confidence and I will be sharing my journey with you through this blog.

So I’ve read the intro and Day 1 Take Stock of Yourself and already I have underlined and taken tons of notes! There are some things in the introduction that jump off the page at me as if God is really trying to get me to understand some things about Him that I just never realized or thought of before or that I just wouldn’t even think of.  God is not complicated! I think sometimes we make Him impersonal and out of touch and He’s not.  Sometimes I’m super aware of His presence! He’s sooooo wonderful! We make Him complicated because His love for us is so great that sometimes it does seem too good to be true that He, God, wants us to succeed and grow and thrive and “have life abundantly”!

The ideals go against the grain and against tradition of what we’re told. The lies that we have to act a certain way, associate ourselves with certain people of stature, dress a certain way, go to this school or drive this car have been blown out of the water in this book! Just reading the intro and the first chapter I already feel empowered and feel a lightness in my heart.  So below I’m going to list some of my notes that I’ll definitely be pouring over for the next 28 days.

*I have within me everything I need to begin living the purpose for which I was created! – This sticks out to me because I know what my calling is and I’m very passionate about it but have been feeling as if I’m missing something, that I don’t quite have everything I need to just start.  Suffice it to say, this statement alone is powerful for me!

*”It’s our confidence in Him that bolsters our confidence and belief in ourselves.  Knowing that God created you and wants to use you also means acknowledging that He accepts you as you are.  Simultaneously, He’s offering you daily opportunities to grow into more of the person He created you to be.  He accepts you, despite the criticisms, doubts, or insecurities you may impose on yourself and the obstacles you erect for yourself. (Why Not You? pg. 5) – Wow!!!!!  This made me really think! When I’m doubting myself and being hesitant in moving forward in the calling that I have on my life, am I really trusting God’s Word or am I trusting in my fleeting confidence?! God says that He will never leave us nor forsake us and He means it! He can’t lie! He’s God! So when I put my trust, faith and confidence in Him then, my confidence is amped because I know that He has my back! Then, the fact that He wants to use me and He accepts me, I could stop reading this book now and be on cloud 9! I never really thought about it in these terms, God wanting to use me and He accepts me even if I don’t feel worthy or usable or accepted.  It doesn’t matter because God sees all those things in me because He created me as such! I have learned that doubt is the greatest obstacle that I can erect for myself. Especially because I know that God has called me and I know what He has called me to do! Doubt = Delay!

*Strengthening my confidence empowers me to say yes to God consistently and without hesitation!

*Who I am right now is enough!!!!!!!!!!!  I am enough because God is enough! Ladies if you’re compromising your beliefs and your morals and your purity because you feel as if it will make this guy love, value, or appreciate you, STOP! You’re enough right now and if he can’t accept it, then HE’S NOT THE ONE! The man who God gives you to will not cause you to sin, he will protect you and cover you! You are fine now! You don’t have to have sex with him!

*The truth is, we’ll never really be successful doing anything other than the things each of us were uniquely and specially created to do.  Did you get that? I did! To me it means all the different jobs I’ve had and the businesses I started most likely failed because I was not doing what I was uniquely and specially created to do! It makes so much sense to me now! I’d be excited about a new venture but 2 weeks later would be bored senseless or just feel out of sorts! Stop trying to be someone you’re not or doing what you think people want you to do. Ask God for your purpose, trust God to bring you to your husband, trust God to show you the way. He definitely will!

*If your dream involves something God created you to do, you’ll always be good enough to do it. I don’t know about you but knowing this is so freeing!

*Confidence, ultimately, is about trust….trust God’s ability to orchestrate your life! You don’t have to go beating down doors or “grinding” your life away! The world “grinds” God’s children trust and obey! God knows what He has for you (Jeremiah 29:11) so why not trust Him to show you the way?

*Doubt…steals your confidence and your dreams. It causes you to shrink from who you are.  I immediately thought of Eve in the Garden of Eden when I read this.  The serpent planted doubt in her mind.  She was there with God and had everything she could ever want or need and she succumbed to doubt.  The rest is history….

*Believing that you’re not enough will create a fear that paralyzes and keeps you from building fully on what you do have enough of. Nuff said! 😉

*There’s perfection in your imperfections.  Sometimes your purpose will come from the pains in your life.  My purpose came from the pains in my life. God uses those.  He’s purposeful! What Satan meant to take you out, God can and will use for your good if you will allow Him too!

Confidence Journal:

In what ways do I want to be different at the completion of this 28 day journey? I want to trust that God has my back consistently, no hesitation.  No doubts. I want to push through my fears and move forward. Onward & Upward! I am enough!

Be blessed & encouraged,
