
The Beauty of Obedience: Purely Loved 2018 Recap

1 Samuel 15:22-24 New Living Translation (NLT)

22 But Samuel replied, “What is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.


This past weekend was the 2nd Purely Loved purity retreat. This one, I lead. I took over the reigns from my dear sister who started this all in 2017. I felt the weight of it all. The pressure, the burden of going to war for the entire retreat and every woman involved. There were many times I wanted to just leave it all! Not because I didn’t want to have the retreat but because the warfare was so great! Satan was not happy and he was making it well known that he was not going to stop his antics. So I had to stand in faith and choose obedience. Hearing some of the stories over the weekend showed me that the ladies had to press through and choose obedience as well! We chose to obey God and trust Him. I’m so glad we did! My dear friends, if God told you to do something, you have to make up in your mind that you will stand firm and press in and through to the finish! We never know who needs what God has given us the honor and privilege to give to others! It was an honor to serve my beautiful sisters in Christ this past weekend! It was an honor to serve alongside some of the most selfless women I’ve ever met in my life! My God’s hands were all over and in this entire event! Everything spoke to me! Every challenge, every push back, every tear, the fears, the laughter; God used it all to speak to me. And while speaking to me, He was healing and blessing the hearts of His daughters! He’s a powerful, multipurpose, multitasking God who truly does more that we could ever ask, think or imagine!! At one point I was so overcome with the love and presence of God that all I could do was cry like a big baby! And you know what, all these ladies, most of who’d just met me for the first time, came and formed a group hug around me and told me that they loved me! I’m about to cry now just thinking about it! The love that was shown to me and that the ladies showed to each other was just overwhelming! I can proudly say that we made the devil very mad this weekend! Chains were broken, wrong thoughts renewed, hard hearts softened, walls torn down and joy was restored! These beautiful women left being reminded of their rightful place as royalty in the hands of our great God! (Isaiah 62:3) What a beautiful experience to have women from different ages, stages and backgrounds come together to share their burdens and leave walking in freedom! Only God can do something like this!

I never thought in a million years that I’d be working with women, because I’ve had not so great experiences with women in the past but even this, because of my obedience to Him, God has redeemed. I’m so grateful that He did! I have an incredible circle of strong godly women around me now! Obeying God when it goes against everything in our flesh is even more rewarding!


This retreat was filled with the Spirit of God! The weather was perfect, the setting was beautiful! God’s presence met us there, stayed with us throughout the entire weekend and sent us down the mountain with a bang! In our Sunday prayer time before check out, God showed up in a mighty way with words of encouragement, confirmation, affirmation and prophecy! I’m still in awe of all that happened this past weekend and I’m so grateful to have been a part!

So now as I plan for Purely Loved 2019 coming in March, I’m keeping in mind that I must obey and that just like God was with me in this past retreat, He is with me and has already gone before me for Purely Loved 2019. Purely Loved 2019 will be a bit larger, longer and is requiring me to dig in deep to trust God like never before! The warfare has already begun, so please keep me in your prayers! If you’re interested in attending, send me a message at and I will put you on our list so that you’ll be among the first to know when registration opens in September. Interested in being a sponsor, send me an email for that as well!! If you’d like to see more pictures of Purely Loved 2018, click on our SIFH Sightings page to get the full experience!

Purely Loved Retreat Logo

Be blessed & encouraged,



The Call

You called, I answered. I said yes and my life has never been the same!

Your Presence overwhelms me!

Your Words compel me to Truth.

You see me, see through me, love me completely!

I’m undone in Your Presence.

Confounded by Your Ways.

Higher! Higher You’ve called me, Higher You take me!

My whole being is Yours!

So Powerful You are, my face to the floor.

Unable to withstand Your Grace.

Unable to behold Your Face.

My heart is Yours because of Your Amazing Grace!

Be blessed & encouraged,




Women 4 Christ Prayer Call



Join Savin’ it for Hubby Founder, Shannon Taylor (me :-)) and Women 4 Christ this Saturday morning at 7:00 am EST as we go before the Lord in prayer & praise ! Tune In to Be Blessed! You won’t want to miss this message!

Phone Number:1-712-775-7031

Access Code:552426822

Be blessed & encouraged!





September Scripture Writing Plan

thank you lord for

Here it is! September’s scripture writing plan is all about God’s grace, mercy and forgiveness. August, we took time to really dig into scripture to see what God’s Word says about sex. If you’re like me, you found out about the ill effects of sex outside of marriage the hard way. Walking in purity is for everyone whether you’re married or not and we can’t walk this walk without God and the power of His Word. We in our flesh can’t stand against all the temptation but with Him all things are possible!

Now that we know the truth about sex, let’s learn about God’s mercy, grace and forgiveness for us that was given through the blood of Christ! This is all for us, His children, IF you’ve surrendered your life to Christ.

Take this month to learn God’s heart for us and what Jesus’ death on the cross has done for us! Praise God for the Blood and for His grace, mercy and forgiveness!!

Be blessed & encouraged,


September SWP


The Struggle is Real but So is Jesus!

This past weekend I had the privilege of attending the She Speaks Conference and it was aaaahhhhmazing!! This conference was an on time, God appointed and God ordained oasis sent during this season that I refer to as the “tumble weed” season.

The year 2016 has started out as the weirdest,  with a series of rapid fire events for my family and I. I began the year full of hope and awe as I had 3 speaking engagements lined up and I was so very excited about them all! But then in March things changed and instead of scheduling inspiring events, I was scheduling my daughter’s surgery.  Nothing serious thank God, but when it comes to your kiddos, it’s always serious! Well, not long after that I go to visit my doctor about this excruciating pain in my right side and low and behold the culprit is a pesky kidney stone that’s apparently wreaking havoc and must be removed, via outpatient surgery! Are you kidding me?! I have 3 kids and a husband, I can’t afford to be down but by the grace of God, I survived as did my family and recovery was quick although quite uncomfortable. Next in line was the most unexpected and challenging event yet. My dear husband was holding our son, Caleb now a year old, as he was walking down the stairs. Well Hubby’s foot slipped, causing him to fall down the stairs, yes with baby in tow and in order to protect Caleb, he shifted his weight and landed all 200 plus pounds on his left leg and ankle. Well praise God, our little Caleb was fine, just terrified, but Hubby, as I looked down at his foot which was turned unnaturally to the left, was not fine.  It was so bad that I had to call an ambulance just to get him off the stairs and to the hospital. This fall resulted in broken leg and ankle and yes, surgery was needed! This was a challenging two and a half month recovery as everything and everyone depended upon me. Needless to say, it was definitely God who saw us through this.

During the time of Hubby’s recovery, I started feeling this burning, stinging pain in my right breast that just wouldn’t go away. So, I decided to go have it checked out.  I didn’t think it was anything to worry about because my rough and tumble son loves to pounce on his Momma and he always seems to land on my right breast. Go figure! Well, my doctor gives me an unexpected diagnosis, a cyst . Well, I almost lost it but I guess she in all her experience diffused the bomb that she saw was about to go off! She orders an ultrasound and mammogram and sends me on my way. Now, in the midst of this news, may I mention that also in this tumble weed season, our finances are stretched to the max and have been for years.  So on top of the surgeries, there’s the strain of dealing with a very tight budget in which every single penny is accounted for. As I was leaving my doctor’s office, the tears came in like a flood and I had to pull my car over for a full on snot session! I called my friend and I couldn’t talk because I just couldn’t stop crying! This was the last straw, I couldn’t take anything else happening.

Well, God, in His infinite wisdom knew all this would happen and that I would need a much needed mommy break, made a way for me to attend She Speaks via an account I set up using Go Fund Me. I’m still blown away by the overwhelming love and support shown to me by friends, loved ones and strangers! This was my first time attending She Speaks, and also my first time since having a family that I’ve driven anywhere over an hour, alone. My first hotel stay alone and my first time attending a conference alone.  Needless to say I was so stinkin’ excited and beyond anxious to get away and get a break.  Most of all, I was anxious to get away with God.  It’s hard to find quiet time in a house full of children and plus I had questions, and my heart was hurting because there were and still are some things going on in my life right now that just doesn’t make sense! So, my goal for attending She Speaks was to have a one on one with God and He was going to have to tell me something! This tumble weed season must end now! Where oh where is the oasis in all of this?  Well, my oasis was She Speaks.

God used this time away from my normal hustle and bustle, this conference, to not only give me rest but to serve some reminders. He reminded me that He still sees me and knows all that I’ve endured and am still enduring. He sees my heart and hears my cries and has bottled up every tear. He’s heard my prayers. He’s taking great care of me and my family.  He reminded me that the condition of my heart and my family’s heart is most important to Him, and that comfort would come in different forms and at different times. He, in a way that only He could, confirmed my calling and affirmed my ministry through this wonderful woman of God, Cindy Bultema, and He also gave me a wonderful new GodSisterFriend, Michelle of Displaying Grace. He gave me rest among His daughters who were there and understood me. I didn’t have to explain a thing. I rested, I laughed, I rejoiced, I prayed and I cried and ate all the dessert my little heart desired!

So, even though I’m still in my tumble weed season, it doesn’t seem as dry because I have the wonderful and timely encouragement that I received from She Speaks and the gracious friends that I’ve met there and I don’t feel alone anymore. Most of all I know that even in the driest seasons, Jesus is real, no matter how hard the struggle is and He’s always our living water that never runs dry.

Be blessed & encouraged,


Michelled & I, She Speaks 2016
Michelle & Me!
Lysa T., She Speaks 2016
Lysa Terkeurst, President, Proverbs 31 Ministries
Cindy and I, She Speaks 2016
Cindy Bultema & Me!





Jesus Is…

  1. Truth
  2. Faithful
  3. Compassionate
  4. Forgiving
  5. Loving
  6. Never keeps a record of our sins
  7. Is slow to anger
  8. Kind
  9. Gives us value in the eyes of God
  10. Sees and speaks to our potential
  11. Outrageously loves us with an uncommon love
  12. Exhibits mercy
  13. Freedom
  14. No condemnation
  15. Giver of life
  16. Lover of our souls
  17. Provider
  18. Redeemer
  19. Restorer
  20. Great

Who is He to you? 

Be blessed & encouraged,



Don’t Give Up!

Happy New Year!! I pray that 2013 is your best year yet! Check out the article I wrote for B.L.O.G. Magazine.  I hope it blesses you!!

Be blessed & encouraged,



Do you know your enemy?

Do you know your enemy? The one who came to steal from you, kill you and destroy you? The one who wants to BE God? The father of lies, whose native language is lies. The one who will whisper deadly words to you such as:

You are worthless!

You are hopeless, unlovable, unforgiven, forsaken, forgotten, unworthy of love, unworthy of God’s grace and mercy.  The one who tells you that God isn’t real, doesn’t care about you, never have and never will.  The one who tells you that it’s ok to have sex outside of marriage because how else will you know if you and he are a perfect fit, sexually compatible, or how else will you know that he loves you? That waiting for marriage is old-fashioned, no one does that anymore!

Your enemy, Satan, knows that he has been defeated! There’s nothing else for him but hell and he doesn’t plan on going there alone!

Get to know the lover of your mind, body, soul and spirit.  Fall in love with your Creator. The Creator who sent His one and only Son to die for us just so He could be close to us, save us and bring us back to HIM (John 3:16).  He created great things and experiences for us, but because He loves us so much, even those great things,  He set boundaries for because He wants to protect us from them.  He knows why they were created and if used or experienced outside of its purpose, instead of pleasure and joy, there will be great pain.

Love God, Trust God, Obey God, Wait for God!

Be blessed & encouraged,
